They Took In A Blind Coyote, But When They Go To Check On Her The Next Day… OMG

A rescue group found a blind coyote who was full of miracles and surprises. She’d survived a gunshot wound to the head which caused her to go blind and a 30-foot fall into a riverbed after accidental poisoning. She was on the verge of death, but Animal Rescue Team was determined to save her and give her a second chance at life.

And they were in for quite a surprise…


The blind coyote will be able to spend the rest of her life safe and sound despite her disability.

In the meantime, she’s the best mother any baby could ask for! It’s amazing that she can take care of the pups so well after everything she’d been through.

You can check the Animal Rescue Team Facebook page for updates.

[h/t The Dodo]